You will find detailed steps and timeline information for requesting your transcript from your selected University Partner(s) within your Teaching Channel Account.
Steps for Accessing Your Completed Courses
- Navigate to
- If you see “Welcome, Your Name!” in the upper right corner of the Teaching Channel website, you are logged into your Account and can skip to step number 4!
If you see Login in the upper right corner, continue to step 3. - Click on the "Login" button at the top of our site to sign-in.
Select “Course & Account Access”
Scroll down and enter your email and password on the left side of the screen.
5. Once you're logged in scroll down. You'll see two sections for your courses.
- Current Courses: Active courses without a final grade posted. Courses will remain in this section of your account until the grade transfers from the online course platform to your Teaching Channel account.
- Please allow up to 24 hours for your grade to transfer. Grades will post within 24 hours of being awarded. If you do not see your grade posted to the Completed Courses section of the account within 24 hours, please click the orange chat icon in the lower right corner to further discuss the details associated with the posting delay.
- Completed Courses: Courses with Final Grades posted in your Teaching Channel Account.
7. Please review the details in full listed within ‘Transcript Request Info” PRIOR to ordering your transcript. Key information to review before ordering includes:
- Timeline for ordering: it is important to allow your University Partner time to complete the transcript updating process prior to ordering. If a transcript is ordered too soon, it may be missing recently completed courses and will require a second order and associated payment. Clear review of the timeline details within “Transcript Request Info” will ensure you receive a complete transcript.
- Process for ordering: Each University Partner varies in their transcript request process. Please review all information within “Transcript Request Info” prior to ordering to ensure all ordering steps are completed successfully.
*Most University Partners will send an email directly to you when your transcript has been updated and is ready to be requested. This is NOT the course completion email received from Teaching Channel.
**It is important to check your junk and spam filters for your university partner grade email if you are not receiving it within the specified timeline referenced in your “Transcript Request Info” details.
- Unique Identifier Information
A unique identifier is required by most University Partners upon transcript request. This may include a Student ID or Customer Number. Please research the details provided in “Transcript Request Info” to determine where to locate your Student ID or Customer Number.
*Please note, Student ID’s are provided by the University Partner’s via email. Teaching Channel does not have access to your Student ID.
Need further assistance?
Please feel free to connect with our support team via chat for further assistance.
Teaching Channel Support Team Hours of Service:
- M-Th 7 am to 5 pm CST
- F 7 am to 4 pm CST