How Do I Observe a Submission?

This process includes data points for the observer of the video to fill out.

The observer of the video can access the video from the Updates & To-Dos section of the Dashboard by selecting the “View Observation” button or from within the Video Activities section. When in Video Activities, the observer will open the carrot of the new video and select “Open”. 

There are 4 parts to the submission observation process:

  1. Feedback, where the observer will leave observational comments that will be annotated into the video.
  2. Rating, where the observer will rate the video based off of the embedded framework.
  3. General Feedback, where the observer can provide more elaborate feedback on the video.
  4. Recommended Resources, where the observer can provide links, documents and Account Library resources. These resources can be anything from graphic organizers, lesson plan templates, online resources or other demo videos that might help in the feedback process. 

Once the observer selects “Send Feedback”, the owner of the video will be notified via email. 

The owner of the video will be able to review all sections filled out by the observer. After reviewing the feedback, they will need to acknowledge the feedback on the Acknowledge Feedback page. From there, the submission cycle will be completed.