How To: Upload a Video

Uploading a video from your device

Video Uploading

To upload a video into Video Activities from the Dashboard, scroll down to the Updates & To-Dos section or click on the Video Activities in the menu bar.

  1. Select the “Upload Video” button on the top right corner.
  2. Click the “Click to upload” button and select the video file from your computer. Note: file size may not exceed 3GB and files must be MP4 or MOV format.

As the video uploads, complete the following steps:

  1. Type the title of the video into the “Title” textbox. The title of the video is what you want to name it.
  2. Click the “Click to upload” button and select the video file from your computer. Note: file size may not exceed 3GB and files must be MP4 or MOV format.

    As the video uploads, complete the following steps:
  3. Type the title of the video into the “Title” textbox. The title of the video is what you want to name it.
  4. Describe the video within the “Video Description” textbox. This will help provide overall context about the video.
  5. Select the grade level associated with the video from the “Grade Level” dropdown.
  6. Select the subject associated with the video from the “Subject” dropdown.
  7. Type the session into the “Session” textbox. A session will help differentiate between AM or PM sessions, block scheduling or write NA, if not applicable.
  8. Type or click the number of participants in the video within the “No. of Participants” textbox.
  9. When the video has completed uploading, the “Continue” button will become clickable. Click on the “Continue” button.
  10. Answer the question(s) from the “Video Details” page by typing into the textbox(es). These questions are curated to help provide a deeper understanding of the video and to explain things that may not be viewable in the video.
  11. To add a link, select the “Add Link” button. Make sure to copy/paste or type in the entire web address into the “URL” textbox. Type the display name of the link into the “Link Title to Display” textbox. Click on the “Add to Documentation” button. Links can be anything from lesson plans, behavior plans, student samples and/or copies of graphic organizers stored on Google Drive or any other website. These can help provide an extra layer of context to the video. 
  12. To add a file, select the “Upload File” button. Click the “Click to upload” button to open your finder. Select your file. Click on the “Add to Documentation” button. Similar to links, files can be anything from lesson plans, behavior plans, student samples and/or copies of graphic organizers stored on your computer.
  13. Click the “Add to Activities” button.